See the Latest Technology Trends in the Hospitality industry to understand better. With an objective to provide visitors with an unforgettable experience, the hotel industry is venturing into new technology, intending to provide a more quality experience. the corona pandemic affected nearly all organizations worldly. To cope with the corona strike, the proprietors have two choices – change their strategies or close down their businesses, perhaps forever.
This kind of pressure led to unusual levels of creativity. And while it might be challenging to predict the trend that’ll emerge, this guide gives a glimpse of what we should expect in the next few months.
Mobile applications

Mobile application and contactless tech are closely related. Mobile apps are common in hotel organisation though.
With regards to the corona pandemic, various organizations unrolled various features in mobile applications to handle the changes in customer preferences. With these apps, travellers can explore their rooms without the need to interact with anyone.
Digital voice assistance
With corona impacts, hoteliers are turning to digital assistance tech to minimize physical interaction. The india news technology is taking over in the hotel industry. In 2018, it was predicted that there would be an increase in digital assistance sales. The sales increase is predicted to shift from 1.8 m to 15.1 m by the end of 2022. According to various analyses, the number of digital voice assistance in use will be 8.4 billion by 2024.
Travelers are getting farmiliar with digital voice-based devices such as Amazon’s Alexa and Google’s Assistance with Latest india news technology Trends.
Digital voice is artificial intelligence-based and it minimizes physical interactions. Through this trend, guest can seek various facilities and operate TV devices. Additionally, it enables them check weather conditions and seek local recommendations by Latest news technology india Trend.
Virtual reality
Think about choosing a resort for your next vacation by virtually exploring your potential room. Commonly applied in the real estate sector, this idea is expected to be unrolled a range of hotels next year.
Market and demand changes
Hoteliers should embrace policies regarding flexible cancellation since we are still concerned about how corona may evolve. This will consistently give the prospective visitor the courage to reserve. Many hoteliers now provide cancellation refunds in credit form for a future stay to ensure more bookings. This is expected to continue in 2022.
Again, due to restrained flight capacity, people are turning to bus and car travel. Hoteliers will have to develop plans such as providing free parking to cope with this new demand.
Additionally, hotels are expected to keep a close eye on the new market trends as they did in the previous year.
QR codes
Although QR codes have not been popular for years, they will be embraced again due to the corona pandemic. With QR codes, visitors only need to scan a code using their mobile phones and access the menu. Apart from accessing the menu, visitors can order food and pay their bills. QR codes limit physical interaction, credit card, or required check signing.
Direct interaction
Direct interaction is expected to continue over this year. Visitors need communication at every stage of their travel experience, using WhatsApp, Facebook, or Instagram.
Additionally, maintaining communication with guests and establishing a strong relationship is important during these trying times. Hoteliers are expected to provide important offers and perks to their loyal guests continuously.
The bottom line
Many Latest news technology india Trends are expected over the year. Some trends have been triggered by the corona pandemic, making them necessary in the hotel industry. Understanding these trends is important, especially during these uncertain times. The above-discussed trends are what we expect over the year, and keeping a close eye on them is important. Through this, we can prepare for the worse if it happens!
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