Spring has come, the season of flowers and fragrance. It’s the best time to go back to the garden and grow fresh flowers and plants. Long winter has dried up the earth and now it is time to relief, breathing the fresh air. 

You must work it out with proper plan in the garden to get what you want. Spring gardening should be started before excessive temperature. It is the fact that gardening gives you ultimate joy besides it relieves stress. In this season, nature gives us the chance to go to the garden and grow a lot.

Gardening Tools

Start the work with your tools because you will need them to start the work. 

  • Sharpen your tools before start gardening. Sharp tool works smoothly like the hoes, spades and rakes.
  • Clean the tools properly; it will save money and you will not need to buy new ones. Besides it will prevent bacteria that cause various diseases. Use hot water and anti-bacterial to wash tools. 

Making the Beds and Borders

It is a two-step job. The first step is to tidy up and second is the bed and border making.

Cleaning up: At first remove the leaves and debris. Now you must cut back dead old grasses and perennials. If you leave those leaves there foe few days it will rot and make the bed fertile. 

Beds making: It is the most vital part for the soil. First, remove weeds and burn them. Now, put the compost pile beside the bed that you have gathered before. This organic matter will help to prevent germinate or causing any problem later on. Finally dig a hole of two inches onto the layer of that organic matter. Add that recycled green waste into the bed borders. Your bed will be ready in few days.

Plan Ahead of Summer Season 

Sow seeds earlier in the spring planning ahead of summer. Select seeds which need a longer growing season like peppers, begonias or geraniums. It needs a warmer environment and the spring will be a good season for growth. 

Hunt & Remove Garden Pests

Look closely at the top of the perennial plants. If you found any snails or slugs then take immediate steps to remove them. Get rid of hibernating pests like aphids, snugs and snails. Particularly look for the white vine weevil larvae. They are found on composts and feed on the plant roots.

Start with last year’s pots and clean them well. Along with the white-vine-weevil larvae make sure to destroy any type of larvae that you find during preparing new beds. These parasitic nematodes do harms on the plant roots very badly.

Fixing and Fencing 

Fixing the fences and other broken structures is a vital part of gardening process. Winter season is the best time for this type of maintenances because you will not get enough time for doing such jobs later. Cleaning the fence panel, removing old dirt and grimes, cleaning and applying stains or paints are the tasks you can complete.  

Don’t Rush

Don’t rush for planting your seedlings. Try for an easier transition for your plants. First, water the seedlings outside in the trays for a week or two. By this time your plants will adapt with the outdoor environment. The greens take a week to grow and the urban cultivator grows quicker.

Start early because there are a lot of works to do. Prepare for your perfect garden this year. Now you have a proper head start on preparing for gardening in this spring. 

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